Re: Is APPEND really needed ? schrieb:
> ...
> I will have to implement one method less in my server and also the RFC will
> be shorter without APPEND. There will only be a lot of stuff just duplicated.
> This said I'm very happy to see that a standard for sending diffs is discussed
> again. Because it really doesn't make sense to send a complete big document
> to a DeltaV server if you only correct a single letter typo :-)
> ...

Maybe it should also be mentioned that that lot's of people are really 
uneasy about defining new HTTP methods. PATCH has the nice property that 
it's not really new, it just needed a proper definition (so keep in mind 
that if you call something PATCH, it really should be identical or 
similar to what already has been described in 

APPEND doesn't have this property. Furthermore, it's just a "convenience 
  method", because you can alway define a PATCH request that does 
exactly the same.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 07:04:40 UTC