RE: I-D for WebDAV methods - APPEND and PATCH

Hi Alex,

The initial idea for the APPEND method was to perform a basic append.

Could you be more specific on what kind of a behaviour you are expecting
when you say pause/resume like in ftp? Do you expect the server to return
the size of the data appended so far when paused? And how do you pause it
(when the connection was lost??) Maybe I am missing something here.


> Would it be possible to use APPEND similar to pause/resume like in ftp? If
> so then maybe a start point of the byte from which it's being appended?
> Also
> how would it work in the context of version control.
> Maybe I am not understanding it that well and thinking of it differently
> but
> even as basic append it's a great idea.

Received on Friday, 4 August 2006 07:48:09 UTC