rfc2518bis-14: COPY/MOVE semantics


from Section 9.8.2 of rfc2518-bis-14:
> After a successful COPY invocation, all dead properties on the source 
> resource MUST be duplicated on the destination resource, along with 
> all properties as appropriate
and from Section 9.9.1 of rfc2518-bis-14:
> Dead properties MUST be moved along with the resource
Apart from my opinion that 'along with all properties as appropriate' 
has neither normative nor explanatory character and should be omitted, 
this changes the COPY/MOVE semantics of RFC2518 in a way that is rather 
inconsistent with the fact that not even a resource which supports 
PROPPATCH is required to set dead properties. Furthermore, such a change 
would force existing implementations that support DAV namespace 
operations but not DAV property operations to break the specification.


Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2006 14:45:57 UTC