Relative references and whether requires an authority

I notice that the example you provided for relative references ("'/' and '/'") included an  
authority part.   Two things surprised me about that:
  - I thought that the authority part was optional, so there are thus  
even more options for valid 'href' values than the ones you  
provided.  E.g. '/sample/' and '/sample/a%20test' would be valid as  
well as the URLs with authority but no scheme, and the complete  
URLs.  The example text suggested makes it look like the allowable  
WebDAV options are more limited the options RFC3986 offers as valid  
Relative References

  - When the authority part is provided, it looks like it has to  
begin with "//" so your example would be correct as ""'// 
sample/' and '//'"

I am looking at <> for this.


Received on Friday, 27 January 2006 21:22:38 UTC