Re: Process on open RFC2518bis issues

Somehow, we continue to seem to miscommunication - perhaps we are saying the
same thing

On 1/11/06 5:08 AM, "Geoffrey M Clemm" <> wrote:

>  and therefore any change to RFC2518 should by
> default be rejected unless there is at least consensus

Let me comment on this in the simplest form I can.

If bis is includes change A, yes we will need consensus for that change.

If many people think that bis should include some other change X to clarify
a problem/confusion seen with 2518 but bis does not include that, we will
need consensus that bis does not include X.

We need consensus on the document. Now to get to consensus, yes I encourage
the WG not to add new features, and not to be shy about removing features
that don't work. 

Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 16:35:59 UTC