Re: last calling WebDAV mounting spec, was I-D ACTION:draft-reschke-webdav-mount-01.txt

Julian's document covers that in the Security Considerations section  
latest.html#security.considerations>. Opening documents from a web  
page just by clicking on them is dangerous from a security standpoint  
-- displaying the contents of a collection is not dangerous.

- Jim

On Sep 26, 2005, at 10:38 AM, Jim Whitehead wrote:

> In its current form, the document seems to focus too much on  
> something like Web Folders as the intended client. However, it  
> could be very powerful to have an "edit this page" button that either:
> - launches a WebDAV-enabled HTML editor (such as GoLive,  
> Dreamweaver, or Contribute) on the exact page to be edited
> - mounts the WebDAV location (e.g., using the mounting mechanism on  
> the Mac, the drive mapping on the PC, etc.) and then fire up a text  
> editor or HTML editor on a specific file
> Supporting these scenarios would require a bit more mechanism in  
> the protocol than is currently present. For example, dm:open is  
> specified as a collection -- there is no way to specify the exact  
> resource URL to be opened for editing.

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 18:26:25 UTC