Re: RFC2518bis (process)

On 9/26/05 10:41 AM, "Jim Whitehead" <> wrote:

>>  - I've been hunting around for interoperability documentation -- because we
>> did do two interop tests -- but we don't seem to have that available now
>> (perhaps it was not intended to be public outside the interops anyway).  We
>> never did get somebody to volunteer to collect interop data or format that
>> for the IESG (
> IMO, I don't think it would be too difficult to gather interoperability
> information for most WebDAV features. There are many existing WebDAV clients
> and servers that are readily available, and it would only take a few days to
> run a few combinations through their paces with a packet sniffer running.
> - Jim

Should we start making a document or check list of all the features we needs
to check and then a list of which clients and servers have a hope of
supporting each of those features so we can try and get a feel of it we can
do this?


Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 17:56:20 UTC