Re: Review of quota-06 (Modified by Brian Korver)

Brian Korver wrote:
> Julian,
> Do you want to suggest something to use for the "single additional error
> code to cover the storage media full case"?

Hi Brian,

there are actually (at least) two options:

- just clarify that DAV:quota-not-exceeded should not be used if it 
actually was a physical disk limit that caused the request to fail, or

- define a separate precondition.

Here's a proposal for the latter:


   (DAV:quota-not-exceeded): the allocated quota MUST NOT be exceeded
   by the request.

   (DAV:sufficient-disk-space): there is sufficient physical space to
   execute the request.

Implementation note: some client may be be able to take advantage of the 
different precondition codes when mapping to operating system status 
codes, such as E_NOSPC and E_DQUOT in NFS (see RFC3530, Section 12).

Best regards, Julian

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Received on Monday, 25 April 2005 19:50:43 UTC