Re: Quota: another DAV:quota-assigned-bytes question

Brian Korver wrote:
>> RFC3530, section 5.10:
>>          Note that there may be a number of distinct but overlapping
>>          sets of files or directories for which a quota_used value is
>>          maintained (e.g., "all files with a given owner", "all files
>>          with a given group owner", etc.).
>>          The server is at liberty to choose any of those sets but should
>>          do so in a repeatable way.  The rule may be configured per-
>>          filesystem or may be "choose the set with the smallest quota".
>> So no, this doesn't apply to disk limits - disk limits are *not* quotas.
> The text says otherwise: The server can choose whatever set of
> resources it wants to compute quota.  It puts no restrictions
> on that.  Period.

Brian, this is a paragraph from a section that talks about quota and 
nothing else, so of course it talks only about quota.

> That all sounds good, but you ascribe properties to NFS that it
> doesn't have (ex: compatible with [all] existing quota systems).

Ok. Which one is it incompatible with?

> ...

Best regards, Julian
<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2004 22:08:10 UTC