Re: redirect references protocol: automatic update

Geoffrey M Clemm wrote:
> I don't see why we couldn't require this (redirects created by some other
> mechanism don't have to act the same way as redirects created by 
> So we could/should say that the value of a redirectref changes only when
> it is explicitly updated by a PROPPATCH of the DAV:reftarget property,
> and not as a side-effect of some other operation such as MOVE.

That's exactly what I *don't* want to say, because in reality there are 
servers that have a concept of redirect reference resources, *although* 
they auto-update their target. This is completely consistent with 
RFC2616, and I don't see why the redirect spec can or should *forbid* 
that. I do agree that this behaviour may be confusing, and that it makes 
sense to discourage it, but we can't change what's already there...


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Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2004 18:47:00 UTC