redirect references protocol: automatic update

Regarding issue the last call (year 2000) issue:


"Add language to forbid servers from automatically updating redirect 
resources when their targets move."

I don't think we can forbid that. This spec consists of (a) 
clarifications of how a server that supports redirects should behave for 
specific WebDAV methods, and (b) extensions to explicitly create them 
(or to apply a method to the redirect itself). As such, we shouldn't add 
any requirements that HTTP doesn't add. What we could do is (1) note why 
auto-update may be a bad idea, and possibly (2) define that redirects 
created by MKREDIRECTREF should not behave that way (or alternatively 
define more specific resource types).

Regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 5 January 2004 07:29:25 UTC