connecting to webdav server from web page


I am working on a web site where users need to be able to upload and
download files using WebDav. WebDav applications like Web Files and
Goliath seem rather easy to use, but the problem is that the people
who will log into my website are not very technically oriented (or
lazy, whatever you prefer). Therefore I have been trying to find a
way to connect to a server using WebDav, without the users having to
make any effort, like downloading a client (e.g. Goliath) or having
to fill in a URL in the Network connection setup.

Since the user will enter login details when they login to the site I
guess it would be possible to automatically use the same login
details when connecting to the server (and setup the server accounts
in accordance). Is there any way that the user could just click a
button on the web site to connect to the server and to open a window
where the user will be able to upload and download files by dragging
and dropping? (This needs to work on both Mac and Windows.)

I have been searching the web like crazy to find an answer, but I
haven't found any help. I hope there is someone on this list who can
help me!


Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 10:55:48 UTC