Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-quota-01.txt

Am Samstag, 22.03.03, um 02:10 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Brian Korver:
> I agree that it's clear.  The problem is that we defined things a 
> little
> differently from NFS:  DAV:quota-limit-bytes is different from
> NFS's quota_avail_hard, in that
>    DAV:quota-limit-bytes - DAV:quota-used-bytes = quota_avail_hard
> We talked about doing this because we wanted the "amount free" that
> is displayed to the user to be what the user expects rather than
> a value computed by the client, which might not end up as a round
> number.

I wonder if this equation holds true when "disk space" gets low. Say you
have 10 GB of space on the server, you have 10 users and each user
has a quota of 1GB. You add an 11th user also with 1GB quota (or an
administrator puts a 1GB sized resource).

Now, when the free space on the server goes below 1GB, the above
equation will not tell you how large a file you can PUT. That problem
seems to be avoided in 3010 with "quota_avail_*".


Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 03:27:56 UTC