Status of allprop/include proposal


during the WG meeting, we briefly discussed our allprop/include proposal
(see [1] for latest draft). Among the attendees (:-)), there was consensus
that a feature like this is useful and should be incorporated into

A slight change was applied to the syntax -- instead of using DAV:allprop
with a specific include extension, the logic was reversed, such as:

<propfind xmlns="DAV:">
     ... named properties...
  <dead-props />

The updated DTD for propfind thus would be:

<!ELEMENT propfind (allprop | propname | (prop, dead-props+)) >
<!ELEMENT dead-props EMPTY >

(one advantage being that we're not extending DAV:allprop which is already
increasingly misnamed).


a) I assume this is what we agreed upon?

b) How do we proceed? Should I update our draft, or can this go directly
into RFC2518bis?


<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Friday, 24 January 2003 18:00:11 UTC