Re: More on ordered collections

Process question:  what is the ACL list, and why is conversation
on a decision to be made by the working group moving to it?
If this is a design team, pleae note the IESG's statement
on the work of design teams at:

Thanks for filling me in,
							Ted Hardie

>>>  - If I MOVE or COPY a resource into a collection, overwriting a
>>> resource that has an ordering position, is that ordering position (of
>>> the destination) preserved?
>>> Usually not, as RFC2518 defines an Overwrite to be implicitly DELETE 
>>> the
>>> target.
>> No, I disagree with this.  Overwriting a regular resource does not 
>> reset
>> all the live properties.  For example, it would be pretty disastrous 
>> for
>> the ACL property to be reset every time a resource is overwritten.
> If you do that using a MOVE? I *really strongly* disagree. ACLs are
> properties of a resource, not of it's binding/URL. MOVEing a resource 
> move it's ACL with it, overwriting the target resource's ACLs. Please 
> take
> this to the ACL list if you feel this needs to be discussed.

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 14:38:06 UTC