Re: New RFC2518bis draft, XML_NOT_VALID


I think the current text could be improved by changing "legal XML may not"
to be "legal WebDAV XML might not".  This avoids the use of "may not" which
has a somewhat different meaning.  I'm suggesting inserting "WebDAV" there
just to be a bit clearer although I think one can improve on that
suggestion also.

"A DTD is provided in Appendix 1.  However, legal XML may not be valid
according to this DTD, because unknown XML elements may appear in WebDAV
syntax without making the syntax illegal."


"A DTD is provided in Appendix 1.  However, legal WebDAV XML might not be
valid according to this DTD, because unknown XML elements may appear in
WebDAV syntax without making the syntax illegal."

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Received on Thursday, 27 June 2002 13:55:36 UTC