I don't think that it makes sense to try to re-use
DAV:response in the "explanation" part of the error message,
because you don't need another responsedescription,
and it is not clear that the HTTP status codes are a
useful way of characterizing what about the state of
the other resource contributed to the error being described.


-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Reschke []
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 10:39 AM
To: Jason Crawford; Clemm, Geoff
Cc: WebDAV

> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jason Crawford
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:41 PM
> To: Clemm, Geoff
> Cc: WebDAV
> The recent thread entitled
> RE: need clarification about COPY to locked resource response cod       e
>   and
> RE: need clarification about COPY to locked resource response cod e
> recently died down with the following posting.
> I just want to bring it to conclusion and get it on the ISSUES list.
> So we have a proposal on the table regarding error reporting for lock
> conflicts
> during COPY/MOVE.  I'll try to describe it below.
> If a portion of the destination is locked and preventing a portion of the
> then a 207 Multistatus MUST be returned by the server.   That MultiStatus
> response should
> indicate (with 409 Conflict status) what source resource could not be
> copied/moved and
> optionally say something about the locked destination resource the locked
> that prevented
> the copy.
> <D:response>
>     <D:href>/bla/source</D:href>
>     <D:status>HTTP/1.1 409 CONFLICT</D:status>
>     <D:responsedescription>
>       <D:error>
>          <D:locked-destination>
>            <D:href>/other/destref...</D:href>
>          </D:locked-source>
>       </D:error>
>     </D:responsedescription>
>  </D:response>
> That D:error tag is optional.  And clearly we'd need the add definitions
> for the
> D:error tag and the descendent tags listed in the example above.
> We should work out if the dest URL listed is the root of the lock or the
> locked resource
> that was directly affecting the operation.  We should possibly clarify
> "protected URL"
> status codes and what URL is depicted.

How about a more generic version:

    <D:status>HTTP/1.1 409 CONFLICT</D:status>
        ... complete DAV:response element for resource causing the conflict

This would avoid having to define a whole new set of error conditions...

> ...

Received on Monday, 6 May 2002 15:12:46 UTC