Open a WebDav Document with IE by URL


I want to open a link to a webdav document (for example But if this URL is opened by
Internet Explorer and then MS Word launched, the document opens
a local copy and so no webdav support is given.
If I open this document directly with MS Word by URL it is
opened as a webdav document and it can directly be saved back on the server.

My question:
How can I tell the Internet Explorer that a link to a document
points to a webdav source and that the full doucument path must be
passed to MS Word?

The only method of resolution I found is an JScript workaround:;DE;q178222
But that's not what I might prefer. Isn't there another

(I'm not sure whether this is the right mailinglist for my topic)


Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 02:56:23 UTC