RE: WebDAV property schema lookup

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-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Reschke []
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 1:17 PM
To: Dylan Barrell; Gary Cowan; DAV; 'Clemm, Geoff'
Subject: RE: WebDAV property schema lookup

> From:
> []On Behalf Of Dylan Barrell
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 11:28 PM
> To: Gary Cowan; DAV; 'Clemm, Geoff'
> Subject: RE: WebDAV property schema lookup
> Absolutely agree - I brought this issue up a couple of months ago.
> >From my perspective we need two things
> 1) We need the ability for the server to enforce schema on documents when
> they are created (we talked about a multi-put a couple of months back).

Two thoughts:

a) MS Sharepoint works around this by enforcing schema compliance not on
creation, but upon CHECKIN. This may or may not be sufficient (checking in
pops up a dialogue where the user must fill all required fields).

b) Instead of inventing MULTIPUT, we may be able to use the HTTP Extension
Framework (RFC2774), defining mandatory headers for M-PUT (marshalling would
be a bit tricky, though).

> Schema descovery is also an issue as the client needs to know what the
> mandatory properties are before it can issue the multi-put.

Sure. But we won't get that unless a group of peope sits down and develops a

> 2) We need to have a way for the server to tell the client where
> to redirect
> the user if the user want to manipulate the object in a way that is out of
> scope for WebDAV - e.g. initiate a chat with the author of the
> document. In
> fact, the server should be able to tell the client what URL to go to for
> these actions as well as what client side application to spawn
> should it be
> available.

In the general case, wouldn't that be just a link to a (dynamically
generated) HTML document (may be a new property or another use for
DAV:source :-).

Received on Monday, 8 April 2002 04:13:45 UTC