RFC2518 issue with lockdiscovery/activelock/owner


in WebDAV, the owner of a lock can be reported using the DAV:owner element


The owner XML element provides information sufficient for either directly
contacting a principal (such as a telephone number or Email URI), or for
discovering the principal (such as the URL of a homepage) who owns a lock.

<!ELEMENT owner ANY>


It is documented to have ANY content, while the examples (for instance,
<http://www.greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc2518.html#rfc.section.8.10.8>) use
an embedded DAV:href element:




While this isn't a problem per se, it seems to have created a situation
where implementors are unsure how to set and process the owner element.

For instance, the WebDAV library used in Microsoft Office 2000 seems to
compare the (text) contents of the owner element (as returned in the
response) with the value it has sent. If they don't match, it assumes that
the LOCK operation has failed and reports that the document was opened as
"read only" (which I'd say is clearly a bug).

I think to "fix" this, we whould collect more implementation data. Maybe
this is a case where we could take advantage of XLink

                    <D:href xlink:role="DAV:principal-homepage"
                         Jim Whitehead
                    <D:href xlink:role="DAV:principal-email"
                         Jim Whitehead
                    <D:href xlink:role="DAV:principal-resource"
                         Jim Whitehead

or a simpler version that probably wouldn't "break" Office:

               <D:owner xlink:role="DAV:principal-resource"
                     Jim Whitehead


Received on Monday, 24 September 2001 08:26:26 UTC