RFC2518 errata in boolean logic applied to untagged-token-list production?

Section 9.4.1 states that untagged tokens in a token list are to be OR'ed

"If multiple No-tag-list productions are used then one only
   needs to match the state of the resource for the method to be allowed
   to continue."

However, section 9.4.3 throws "Not" into the mix and uses the word AND to
describe the logic combining two untagged tokens:

"If: (Not <locktoken:write1> <locktoken:write2>)

   When submitted with a request, this If header requires that all
   operand resources must not be locked with locktoken:write1 and must
   be locked with locktoken:write2."

I assume the last 'and' must be replaced with 'or'?


Received on Monday, 17 September 2001 12:46:56 UTC