> PROPFIND ALLPROP Depth infinity places a significant processing load on some
> server implementations. Apache mod_dav provides an option limiting PROPFIND
> ALLPROP Depth infinity for just "core" (RFC 2518-defined) properties.

If you mean the mod_dav "DAVDepthInfinity" configuration flag here, this applies
- as far as I know - to all PROPFIND Depth infinity requests, not only to
PROPFIND ALLPROP Depth infinity. So, if this flag is set to "off" (the default
value), the client is not allowed to send a PROPFIND PROP Depth infinity.

Greg, will this change in future releases of mod_dav? So, will the
"DAVDepthInfinity" configuration only apply to ALLPROP?

Best, Hartmut

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2001 05:11:57 UTC