RE: WRITE_DAV_PROP: Summary of consensus

"Jim Whitehead" wrote:
> Are there other typical uses of touch(1) of which I'm unaware?

FWIW: I've used touch(1) to NOT allow the recompilation using make.  I have
used touch(1) to set the modification time of a file back to what it was
previous to a modification, was when it affected a source file in a build
tree that was on a shared file system (DFS) for multiple platform builds.
Since only a few C++ compilers on some platforms would fail on a certain
file, if I was to fix that one header file then all platform builds would
be out-of-date and need to be rebuilt (or at least be rerun with "make
-t").  To solve this, I would just do a 'touch <previous-mod-time>' on the
header file and make all the prebuilt trees appear to be up-to-date again.

I'm not necessarily advocating supporting this *hack*, I'm just answering
JimW's question.  To get similar behavior like this in DAV, I guess I'd
just have to do something similar to "make -t" to make the builds


Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 07:47:57 UTC