leaving out the root in a Depth operation

This is probably worth getting onto the "proposed new feature
list" for the 2518 update.  Or is it already there?


   From: "Lisa Dusseault" <lisa@xythos.com>

   FWIW, Microsoft defined a "noroot" suffix on depth headers... 

   So, "Depth: 1,noroot" would mean "my immediate children, but not myself".

   Very useful for doing directory listings because one doesn't have to first
   filter out the directory itself.

   > From: "Geoffrey Clemm" <geoffrey.clemm@rational.com>
   > ... it is pretty silly that there is no Depth value that says
   > "just my immediate children".  That's probably what Depth=1 *should*
   > have meant.  Oh well ...

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 12:04:05 UTC