Re: [RFC2518 Issue] PROPFIND 'allprop' usage


> > We do  *not*  send a bunch of Depth:1 requests, some WebDAV functionality is simply
> > *not*  working in GoLive 5 when the server is not willing to respond to depth infinity
> > requests.
> Eek. You mentioned something about a "sync" feature which uses the
> Depth:infinity request. Is that it, or are there other times when you use
> that request type? Is the sync feature used often?

Yes, it is mainly the sync feature which uses this request but it's a very important and
often used feature. With synchronizing a file "a.html" I mean to perform a PROPFIND request
on "a.html" in order to figure out if it has been changed after the last time you have
downloaded that file to your local machine. Synchronizing a huge folder means to check this
out for the folder and all its content. So if the user wants to synchronize a folder with a
lot of resources in it it is very efficient to do that with one PROPFIND-infinity request.

> I've worked on products with release cycles on the order of two years.
> Believe me... I understand the issue, and sympathize greatly.

Yes, I know and believe that!

> On the other hand, I wasn't interested in releasing mod_dav with a known,
> simple, DoS attack (in the default configuration). Admins can always turn
> the feature back on, but I'd prefer to see them do it with the understanding
> of what it means.

Yes, I know and understand your point of view but, as I already pointed out,  we like those
requests because they are pretty efficient for us and we are very sensitive to changes of
the protocol or its most important implementations.

Best, Hartmut

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2000 09:14:40 UTC