Re: [RFC2518 Issue] PROPFIND 'allprop' usage

On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 05:58:26PM +0100, Hartmut Warncke wrote:
> > We think the way forward for the WebDAV specification is to allow servers
> > the ability to refuse such requests and inform the client. A mechanism
> > should be defined for the client to understand this. If the client received
> > a response which basically stated that the server was refusing to service an
> > infinite depth request, it could issue multiple requests with a Depth:1.
> If you have to synchronize a very large site with thousands of files, replacing
> depth infinity requests by depth 1 requests would be a huge performance disaster
> for us.

Given that the default configuration of mod_dav prevents a Depth:infinity
PROPFIND, I'd guess that a rejection of Depth:infinity is a definite
possibility. What does GoLive do when it gets the rejection? Do you simply
skip that feature, send a bunch of Depth:1 requests, or something else?


Greg Stein,

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2000 16:36:05 UTC