Re: 423 Locked

There is a DAV property called DAV:lockdiscovery which contains a
DAV:activelock element which contains, among other things, a DAV:owner
field describing the owner of the lock. The WebDAV spec does not define the
content of the DAV:owner element, it only suggests that it should describe
the owner of the lock in some way that another user could contact the
owner. Unfortunately, there is no element in DAV:activelock that specifies
the actual princapal that took out the lock. I believe this is a bug that
requires all clients to maintain their lock tokens in some other redundant
repository. This issue has been open for over a year. I hope it gets
addressed and resolved as part of the ongoing effort to clarify WebDAV
locking semantics and protocol.

"Rickard Falk" <> on 02/03/2000 03:46:52 AM

Sent by:

To:   <>

Subject:  423 Locked

If a resource is locked with a exclusive lock, and another user tries to
lock if. The response then is 423 Locked. But, is there any way for the
client to know who owns the lock?
I would like the response to look something like this :
421 Locked
Date: ...
Server: ...
Connection: ...
LockOwner : user
LockDate  : date
LockType  : exclusive
LockedUntil : date         // if specified when locked



Received on Thursday, 3 February 2000 09:37:01 UTC