FW: Comments please!

Accidentally caught by the spam filter.  I've put in a request to have
Rickard's email address added to the accept2 list for the mailing list, but
since he doesn't appear to be subscribed, please cc him directly on any

- Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: falk@excosoft.se [mailto:falk@excosoft.se]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:01 AM
To: w3c-dist-auth@w3.org
Subject: [Moderator Action] Comments please!

I have a WebDav / Http url problem. The problem I have, as a client
is to know when to do a propfind directory browsing and when to just do a
An example:
The user types that he wants to open 'http://www.foo.com/foo'. If /foo is a
directory there is a problem. If I do a get on that url, the server could
me /foo/index.htm ( or some other default file ), or it could generate a
file displaying the directory listing. But if I do a propfind, I could
a directory listing from the answer.
But how can I know which the users wants?
Today I solve this by using a wildcard at the end of the url.
'http://www.foo.com/*' -> Do a propfind on 'http://www.foo.com/'. If not
try a Get on 'http://www.foo.com/*'.
This gives the user a way of 'open as webfolder', without having to checking
checkbox. So now you can have links in xml files, that gives you a WebDav
directory listing. Or even email it.

Anyone have some comments, or is there another way of solving this problem?


Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 12:33:31 UTC