Re: a Grand Unified Locking Proposal (GULP, or perhaps, GULP! :-)

First, thanks for the prompt review!  Based on Jason's comments, I will
rewrite the "headers", write a few key examples, and will give each of
the "rules" a number, so that I can explain the example by reference to
which rule produces the behavior in the example.

I will make no changes to the actual rules, so there will be no semantic
changes in this rewrite.

And now for a few responses:


      GULP: Part II

      - A URL identifies a resource.

   Cool. I notice there is no mention of null resources.  Perhaps that's

I'll change this to say "A URL can identify a resource".
I did not intend to imply that all URL's identify a resource.
This model does not have the notion of a null resource.

      - A lock is on a URL. Every lock has a lock token and a lock owner.

     Every lock on a resource has a name which is a relative URL (i.e. a slash
     separated sequence of URL segments). Every LOCK request that succeeds
     results in a new globally unique lock token. Every lock token has an owner
     that is the principal of the LOCK request.

   Just vocab.  "Name" doesn't seem to be the right word.  I'd expect a "name"
   to be unique and be equivalent to a token.  -- Otherwise, A-OK.

I'm open to whatever term folks prefer.  All that really matters is
that it be a string which has relative URL syntax.

     - A LOCK request creates a lock on the request URL.
     When a request of the form "LOCK /pathX" succeeds, a lock named "pathY/."
     with a new lock token is added to the resource identified by "/", where
     "pathY" is the result of applying standard URL path transformations to
     remove all segments named "." or ".." from "pathX". If a collection C has a
     binding from "segX" to resource R, and a request adds a lock named
     "segX/pathZ" with token "L" to C, then the request adds a lock named "pathZ"
     with token "L" to R. Similarly, if a collection C has a lock named
     "segX/pathZ" with token "L", and a request (e.g. PUT, COPY, MOVE, BIND) adds
     a binding in C from "segX" to resource R, then the request adds a lock named
     "pathZ" with token "L" to R. If the attempt to add the lock named "pathZ" to
     R fails, the request MUST fail.

   I'd prefer not to say the lock is on a URL, but hey, let's give it a
   shot....  Oh..  I think I understand what you mean by that. The phrase
   just threw me off.  You are talking about what Eric calls namespace

The only sense in which there are two kinds of locks in this model is
that locks named "." have some additional properties, but the
preceding paragraph applies to *all* locks, not just locks named "."

   All this does ring of implementation rather than model.  You're
   basically describing how URI protection would have to be implemented
   to be efficient.

How this is implemented is completely up to the server.  This is
intended to define the effect of locking in terms of resource
properties visible via the protocol.  These semantics describe both
under what conditions a request MUST fail, and what the state on the
server will be following a successful request.

   For this reason, there is a lot of detail here.
   Mention and emphasis of the overall effect would be good: URI

That comes later.  This is just a detailed description of how the
locking properties must appear on the server following various
operations.  This is modeled in terms of the underlying binding
model instead of trying to enumerate all WebDAV methods, in order
to provide guidance when new methods are defined.  This way,
you can just look at the effect of a new method on the binding model,
and conclude what the locking effect will be, rather than having
to reconvene the locking working group whenever a new method is
added to HTTP.

      - An UNLOCK request removes all locks with the specified lock token.

      When a request of the form "UNLOCK /pathX; Lock-Token L" succeeds, then the
      lock with token "L" is removed from the resource identified by "/". If a
      collection C has a binding from "segX" to resource R, and a request removes
      a lock named "segX/pathZ" with token "L" from C, then the request removes a
      lock named "pathZ" with token "L" from R.

   Hmm.  Couldn't you just say that the lock with token L is removed
   everywhere it existed?  At least as a summary statement?  This rings
   of implemenation again.

That statement only applies to the UNLOCK request.  The second
sentence applies to all methods that result in a lock being removed,
whether it is from an UNLOCK, a DELETE, a MOVE, or some new method not
yet defined.

      Similarly, if a collection has a
      lock named "segX/pathZ" with token "L", and a request (e.g. DELETE, MOVE)
      removes a binding in C from "segX" to resource R, then a lock named "pathZ"
      with token "L" is removed from R.

   This should be a different bullet.

I intended this bullet to be about lock removal in general, not just about
the UNLOCK command.  I'll retitle this section: "A lock can be removed from a
resource by UNLOCK or by removing a resource from a locked

   Also, we seem to talk of specific situations.

If you can think of a situation this doesn't cover, please let me know.
The wording here was intended to be the minimal number of rules that
completely define the semantics.

   If so, doesn't the above descriptions also cover
   the situation for descendents of R (assuming R is a collection)?

Yes, it does.  (All of these rules are applied recursively).

      - A lock on a URL protects which resource is identified by that URL.

      If a collection identified by the URL "/colX" contains a lock named "pathZ"
      with token "L", if a request would change the resource identified by
      "/colX/pathZ", the request MUST specify token "L" in an IF header and the
      request principal MUST be the owner of token "L".

   OK.  The "lock on URL" phrase threw me off again, but the details
   sound right.

   Does this include null mapped resources? 

Definitely yes!  (That was one of the interesting challenges :-).

   Note: this only protects the mapping of the resource explicitly
   locked.  Not *necessarily* any of the bindings to the root.  Just an
   observation.   Later we might have to decide to allow servers to also
   protect those bindings if they wish.

It is designed to protect all the bindings from the resource to the
root.  Can you come up with an example of how a binding could be removed
without violating one of the rules?

   If this is the way we're going to describe the semantics we want, will
   we later need to use "If there exists..." type phrasing?

Shouldn't have to.  Let me know if you have an example where you think
the current semantics aren't sufficient.

   You don't say what will happen if the request does include all the
   right tokens and the sumitter is the owner of all those tokens.  That
   is the main area where recent proposals semantically distinguish

Actually, this proposal very carefully deals only with the lock
state of properties, the two locking operations (LOCK and UNLOCK),
and when a method will fail because of violating a lock.  The semantics
of non-locking methods is left undefined except where it results in
a modification to the lock state of a resource.

     - A Depth:N lock on a URL locks any URL that extends the locked URL by no
     more than N segments.

     If a collection C has a binding to resource R, and a request adds a Depth:N
     lock named "." with token "L" to C, then the request adds a Depth:N-1 lock
     named "." with token "L" to R. Similarly, if a collection C has a Depth:N
     lock named "." with token "L", and a request adds a binding in C to resource
     R, then the request adds a Depth:N-1 lock named "." with token "L" to R. If
     the attempt to add the lock named "." to R fails, the request MUST fail.
     Conversely, the Depth:N-1 lock is removed from R whenever a binding to R or
     the Depth:N lock is removed from C.

   Dynamic depth lccks.  Okay.
   I guess technically you have declare what happens at depth 0.

Shouldn't have to.  Just substitute "0" for N in the above paragraph,
and you know what happens at depth 0.  Only "infinity" is special.

     - A Depth:infinity lock on a URL locks all URL's that extend the locked

     If a collection C has a binding to resource R, and a request adds a
     Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L" to C, and this is the first
     Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L" on C, then the request adds a
     Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L" to R. Similarly, if a
     collection C has a Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L", and a
     request adds a binding in C to resource R, then the request adds a
     Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L" to R. If the attempt to add the
     lock named "." to R fails, the request MUST fail.

     If a collection C has a
     binding to resource R, and a request removes the last Depth:infinity lock
     named "." with token "L" from C, then the request removes a Depth:infinity
     lock named "." with token "L" from R. Similarly, if a collection has a
     Depth:infinity lock named "." with token "L", and a request removes a
     binding in C to resource R, then a Depth:infinity lock named "." with token
     "L" is removed from R.

   Sounds like this wording also handles the recursive removal of locks
   from the whole tree.  Good.  -- There is a bit of messiness dealing
   with loops I think.  If didn't couch this all in detailed
   implementation based way, we might not have to mention that.

I continue to maintain that this is pure semantics (albeit described
in the form of state transition rules).  Getting the semantics to handle loops
was one of the hardest parts of this protocol.  If I got it wrong,
let me know.

   BTW, you speak of the "*last* Depth:infinity lock".  What is the
   significance of "last".  (I also notice you mentioning "first"

You can have multiple occurrences of the same lock on a resource.
Certain state changes occur only on the first application of a given
lock to a resource, and on the removal of the last occurrence of a
given lock on a resource.

     Note that multiple Depth:infinity locks named "."
     with the same token can be placed on the same resource due to multiple
     bindings to that resource in a Depth:infinity locked collection.

   Right.  IOW, "do the right thing". :-)

Actually, this was intended to be a pre-emptive answer to the question
you raised above (:-).  In particular, it is wrong to not add a lock to
a resource because one like it is already there (i.e. it is not a set).

     - If an exclusive lock identifies a resource, no other lock of that type can
     identify that resource.

     If a request attempts to add a lock named "pathZ" with token "L" and type T
     to resource R, and R already has an exclusive lock named "pathZ" with type
     "L" but with a different token, the request MUST fail. Similarly, if a
     request attempts to add an exclusive lock named "pathZ" with token "L" and
     type T to resource R, and R already has a lock named "pathZ" with type T but
     with a different token, the request MUST fail.

   Hmmm. Exclusivenss of exclusive locks also apply to the name space
   aspect of the lock?  This isn't good.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  In particular, what do you mean
by the "name space aspect of a lock"?

   It means only one exclusive
   lock can exist in the system at a time.

How so?  You can get an exclusive lock conflict only if there are
two locks on the same resource *and* they are of the same type 
*and* they have the same name *and* they have different tokens
*and* one of them is exclusive.  That leaves room for lots of exclusive

   I'd prefer the lock to be
   shared unless the resource is at a lock URI.  (Resource Lock, not
   Namespace lock)

Just one kind of lock, but each lock has a "name" and exclusive locks
don't conflict unless they have the same name.

     - A write-lock on a URL protects the body and dead properties of any
     resource identified by that URL.

     If a resource has a write lock named "." with token "L", in order to modify
     the body or dead properties of that resource, a request MUST specify token
     "L" in an IF header and the request principal must be the principal that
     created the lock.

   So we now need to define "lock".  Based on how you are using it in
   this document, a LOCK request can create many locks.


   And all of those
   locks will basically have the "same" (expanded) name.

There is no concept of an "expanded" lock name.  A lock has exactly
one name (just as it has one token and one type and one owner).

   Except if it's
   a depth lock in which case there might be a lot of locks with "." as
   their name so their "expanded" names will differ.

Yes, there will be a lot of locks with "." as their name
(for a given resource, locks will differ in their token, unless
they are shared locks).

   Anyway, my point
   here is that a LOCK request creates many "lock"s.  If you couch it as
   you have, I think you're obligated to use Eric's "lock set" term.

I haven't found the need to do so.  I can just say "all locks with the
same token" if I need to refer to that set (and I only needed to do
so for the UNLOCK definition).

   You haven't really said what happens in null mapped URI space.

Actually, I have (:-).  Run through the rules for a URL that does
not (currently) identify a resource, and all should work.

   actual document might not need to mention it, but since we've talked a
   lot about it, you probably should clarify that for us on the list.

Yes, and example is clearly called for.

      OK, Jason, Yaron, Eric, et. al, what did I forget this time? (:-)

   Well, overall my impression is that the semantics outlined here so far
   are good, but that the explanation is very dense and that it probably
   doesn't need to be.

I believe that you couldn't delete any of the rules without losing
some key semantics.  I'm always interested in seeing alternative
formulations, though.  (Then I can take the potshots :-).

   Although a few of the semantic details are
   differnt, Eric's way of describing it might be a LOT simplier.

Eric's description did not handle cyclic bindings, some of the
subtler cases of locks on URL's not bound to resources, or of the
behavior of LOCK's when the state of collections are modified.
That does make it simpler (:-).

   Perhaps starting with Eric's proposal and altering that match your
   semantics might work better.

Anything that gets us to a complete and understandable set of
semantics works for me!


Received on Thursday, 13 January 2000 20:06:24 UTC