Re: Multistatus required in responses?

[Greg Stein wrote:]
> I would disagree. I think that it is quite valid to return something like
> 403 (Forbidden) or 401 (Authorization required) as a response. Heck, you
> could also return something like 412 or 301, too.
> In each of these cases, the 3xx or 4xx applies to the Request-URI. If a
> status code ever applies to a URI *other* than the Request-URI (say,
> caused by a Depth: header), then a 207 (Multistatus) MUST be returned.

In my initial query I had assumed that 4xx or 3xx are valid. I meant to ask
about successful responses -- whether they must be 207, or whether a 200
could be expected as well.

To paraphrase: Are 200 responses for PROPFIND allowed?



Received on Saturday, 6 May 2000 04:48:09 UTC