Re: Lock Tokens


   <reuterj/> ... a server will return a *single* lock token URI as
   Coded-URL in the Lock-Token header.  But what will be returned in
   the locktoken XML element of the corresponding response message
   body?  The same single URI?  Or all URIs?  Section 6.3 says: "A
   lock token is returned by every successful LOCK operation in the
   lockdiscovery property in the response body ..."  So, is the
   Lock-Token header needed at all?  Anyway, what are multiple URIs
   for a single lock token useful for?

   <jra> The Lock-Token header contains the lock just granted by the
   LOCK method.  The XML element returns a lockdiscovery that contains
   all the (shared) lock tokens for the target resource.   The
   Lock-Token header is needed because the activelock element of the
   lockdiscovery does not identify the principal owning the lock. The
   owner element is not an authentication id or principal.  </jra>

The request principal could have several locks on the same resource, so
the Lock-Token header would be needed whether or not the activelock
element of the lockdiscovery identified the principal owning the lock.


Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2000 09:28:45 UTC