Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-propfind-space-00.txt

Greg Stein wrote:

> John Stracke wrote:
> > Mmm...yes, OK, that makes sense.  Do you think <DAV:namespace> should contain the URI directly, or
> > contain <DAV:href>? The former reduces bandwidth & complexity by a tiny amount; the latter leverages the
> > existing definitions better.
> The namespace is a URI. I believe an href is typically a URL (certainly
> "href" connotes this meaning).

<dig, dig>...the DAV spec says "URI".

> So... I would recommend that it just directly contains the URI rather
> than yet-another-element.

This was the way I was leaning, too.  The main question that made me wonder was, suppose someone wants to
define a type of namespace that's defined by something other than a URI? (In such a case, it might be best to
be able to swap out the <href> element for something else.) However, I think the answer is that they should
just define a new URI scheme.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.   |
|Chief Scientist |================================================|
|eCal Corp.      |When rats leave a sinking ship, where exactly do|
||they think they're going?                       |

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 1999 09:35:51 UTC