PUT question

The question, up front, is should a PUT request to a lock-null resource
also validate the lock-null resource's parent collection against the If

The background to the question-
The PUT request involves writing to the uri's parent collection, so, in
mod_dav, it always validates both the uri and the uri's parent for null

Thus, if /foo is a locked or lock-null resource, while / is not locked,
should the following request fail?

PUT /foo HTTP/1.1
If: (<opaquelocktoken:......>)

The If header doesn't specify any uri's, so both /foo and / are
validated against the lock token.  If /foo is a lock-null resource, and
/ has not been locked, I assume this request generates a 412
Precondition failed.

A successfully request specifies a uri-

PUT /foo HTTP/1.1
If: </foo> (<opaquelocktoken:......>)

This seems consistent with the spec, but a little unintuitive.  I don't
know of any locknull-aware mainstream clients, so I suppose this is new
ground.  Is this indeed the spirit of 2518?

Thanks for any input,
Keith Wannamaker
IBM HTTP Server Development

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 1999 12:14:55 UTC