Re: Namespace consistency

Jim Davis wrote:

> I say, strike the restriction.

I agree.  If we do, then even someone with an ordinary ISP account could run
DAV on their account, given a CGI implementation.

Also, consider that DAV is a potential security risk (depending on the
implementation, of course), so there will be people who want to have only some
areas of their server run DAV extensions.

|John (Francis) Stracke    |My opinions are my own.|Both candidates  |
|Software Retrophrenologist|=======================/are better than a|
|Netscape Comm. Corp.      |megalomaniac mutant lab mouse bent on    |
|      |world domination...but it's pretty close.|
New area code for work number: 650

Received on Monday, 14 September 1998 13:51:10 UTC