Re: Additional WebDAV Requirements?

Jeffrey E. Sussna wrote:

> The RFC states that it should be possible to remove locks.
> It says nothing about under what circumstances, or by
> whom. With respect to locking and reservations, it is
> critical that a mechanism be supported to release dangling
> locks or reservations.

Certainly this is necessary in a product; but I don't think
it's necessary in the standard.  Generally, servers come
with administrative UIs or utilities; those UIs could
provide this functionality however they desire.  Come to
that, some/many DAV servers will be built around existing
document management systems; such servers could be
implemented in such a way that you could just delete the
lock in the DMS.  (It wouldn't be automatic; it would
require the DAV server to consult with the DMS to verify the
lock was still valid every time it was used.)
John Stracke
Software Retrophrenologist
Netscape Communications Corp.
My opinions are my own.

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 1998 14:03:29 UTC