Editorial Changes

4.1_collection_def	The current collection definition could be
interpreted to restrict the use of GET on collections.

The first sentence of section 4.1 currently reads:

A collection is a resource whose state consists of an unordered list of
internal members and a set of properties.

This sentence could be construed such as to prevent the use of GET on
collections. So it has been re-written to:

A collection is a resource whose state consists of at least a list of
internal members and a set of properties, but which may have additional
state such as entity bodies returned by GET.

4.4_single_source	The text in the last paragraph in section 4.4 says
that the source link is only to be used when there is a single source,
however that was never intended to be the requirement and in fact the
current syntax allows for multiple source/dst elements.

The first sentence of the last paragraph of section 4.4 reads:

On WebDAV compliant servers, for all output resources which have a single
source resource (and that source resource has a URI), the URI of the source
resource may be stored in a link on the output resource with type DAV:source
(see section 12.10 for a description of the source link property).

I have changed it to read:

On WebDAV compliant servers the URI of the source resource(s) may be stored
in a link on the output resource with type DAV:source (see section 12.10 for
a description of the source link property).

Received on Friday, 27 March 1998 18:38:53 UTC