WG Last Call: Distributed Authoring Protocol



Due to the number and significance of changes made in response to the first 
working group last call, I have decided that a second working group last 
call period is necessary to ensure the changes to the specification receive 
broad review before their submission to the IESG.

This is the final call for comments from the working group on the 
Distributed Authoring Protocol Specification, 
draft-ietf-webdav-protocol-07.  This last call for comments period begins 
immediately, and ends March 27, 1998, at midnight, US Pacific time. This 
allows just over three weeks for review of the specification.

At the end of the last call review period, a new draft will be issued 
(revision -08), containing any changes based on comments during the working 
group last call period. Unless there are significant, technical problems 
raised with this specification during this last call period, I intend to 
submit the -08 draft to the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) for 
their approval.  IESG review involves a (minimum) two week public last call 
for comments period.  This IESG-initiated last call period is in addition 
to the working group last call period.

This document is intended to be a "Proposed Standard".  Quoting from RFC
2026, "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3":

   The entry-level maturity for the standards track is "Proposed
   Standard".  A specific action by the IESG is required to move a
   specification onto the standards track at the "Proposed Standard"

   A Proposed Standard specification is generally stable, has resolved
   known design choices, is believed to be well-understood, has received
   significant community review, and appears to enjoy enough community
   interest to be considered valuable.  However, further experience
   might result in a change or even retraction of the specification
   before it advances.

   Usually, neither implementation nor operational experience is
   required for the designation of a specification as a Proposed
   Standard.  However, such experience is highly desirable, and will
   usually represent a strong argument in favor of a Proposed Standard

Many details on the procedures used to develop an IETF standard can be
found in RFC 2026, available at:


If there are any procedural questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to contact me, or raise an issue on the list.


1) Issues raised during the last call period will be resolved individually, 
rather than lumped together and dealt with as a whole.  This follows the
issue-resolution convention being followed in the HTTP WG, and for the
previous working group last call.

2) My expectation is this specification will be submitted to the IESG for 
approval soon after the end of this final, working group last call for 
comments.  As a consequence, this is very likely the last opportunity you 
will have to comment on this specification within the WebDAV Working Group. 
Review the specification NOW. Do not count on another working group last 
call period.

- Jim Whitehead
Chair, IETF WEBDAV Working Group

Received on Friday, 6 March 1998 22:36:28 UTC