RE: Internal and External Members

At 03:41 PM 1/27/98 PST, Yaron Goland wrote:
>If this proposal is accepted then ADDREF, DELREF, and the externalmembers
>property would be removed from the Distributed Authoring specification.

I notice that Surendra Reddy and Jim Whitehead have already spoken to this.

I will agree to it, also.

I would further like to suggest (as Roy Fielding has) that  the language of
the specification be changed to not use the term "collection" for what
WebDAV now provides.  Roy said "namespace" and that's fine with me.

I can live with a WebDAV that has no external members whatsoever better
than I can with the one that's currently defined.

And I would be pleased to be a co-author of the spec for WebDAV collections
that supported external members and ordering.  


Received on Wednesday, 28 January 1998 19:04:47 UTC