[WISEN] Workshop on Internet-Scale Event Notification, July 13-14

           Workshop on Internet-Scale Event Notification (WISEN)

                              July 13-14, 1998
                   McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, UC Irvine
                           Irvine, California USA


WISEN aims to gather participants from industry and academia who are working
on or researching event notification systems or protocols for use on the
Internet. Communities interested in notification such as web authoring,
instant messaging, buddy lists, workflow, and internet printing should find
this workshop highly relevant.

The goals of the workshop include developing a better understanding among
the different communities of interest, improved definition of requirements
for an event notification service, a better appreciation of the application
domains that will benefit from an event notification service, and
suggestions for fruitful research directions.

The first day will feature a single track of presentations from invited
speakers. The second day will feature presentations from invited speakers in
the morning, and parallel breakout sessions in the afternoon. The workshop
will end with participants gathering for a summary of the breakout sessions.

Breakout sessions are currently planned on the topics of:

   * What are the requirements for internet scale event notifications?
   * What set of technologies can be leveraged to create an internet-scale
     notification service?
   * What are the scaling factors for internet event notifications?
   * What applications most benefit from an internet notification service?
   * What are the security considerations for notifications?


To date, we have already confirmed a number of speakers:

   * Josh Cohen, Microsoft, joshco@microsoft.com
   * Mark Day, Lotus, mark_day@lotus.com
   * Surendra Reddy, Oracle, skreddy@us.oracle.com
   * Scott Isaacson, Novell, sisaacson@novell.com
   * Matt Jensen, BLIP, mattj@blip.org
   * John Mathon, TIBCO, mathon@tibco.com
   * Elisabetta Di Nitto, CEFRIEL-Politecnico di Milano and University of
     California, Irvine, dinitto@ics.uci.edu
   * Adam Rifkin, California Institute of Technology, adam@cs.caltech.edu
   * David Rosenblum, University of California, Irvine, dsr@ics.uci.edu
   * Michael Gorlick, The Aerospace Corp., gorlick@aero.org
   * Antonio Carzaniga, University of Colorado, Boulder,


Participation is strictly limited to 100 participants due to capacity
constraints. Advance registrations are $125; on-site registrations will only
be accepted on a space-available basis at $175. The fee includes continental
breakfast, box lunch, and snacks for both days as well as a welcome
reception on Monday the 13th. Discounts are available to IRUS members and
full-time students.

Please consult the workshop web pages <http://www.ics.uci.edu/IRUS/wisen/>
for the latest registration details, hotel information, and the online
registration form.


  *  Alfonso Fuggetta, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, fuggetta@elet.polimi.it
  *  Michael Gorlick, The Aerospace Corp., gorlick@aero.org
  *  Dennis Heimbigner, University of Colorado, Boulder, dennis@cs.colorado.edu
  *  Rohit Khare, University of California, Irvine, rohit@ics.uci.edu
  *  David S. Rosenblum, University of California, Irvine, dsr@ics.uci.edu
  *  Richard N. Taylor, University of California, Irvine, taylor@ics.uci.edu
  *  E. James Whitehead, University of California, Irvine, ejw@ics.uci.edu
  *  Alexander L. Wolf, University of Colorado, Boulder, alw@cs.colorado.edu

Received on Monday, 1 June 1998 13:47:33 UTC