NULL_DEF	We need to define the term NULL resource

the concept of a lock-null resource was introduced. In the proposed text the
405 response code was the only code that could be legally returned by a
lock-null resource on undefined methods such as GET. It has been pointed out
to me that requiring 405 implies the existence of a resource. As OPTIONS has
already demonstrated, a resource which returns 404 can still support a
method. Thus, rather than jump into a bottomless pit of HTTP philosophy I am
going to take the cowards way out and change the text of the first sentence
of the second paragraph of section 6.3 to read:

A write locked null resource, referred to as a lock-null resource, MUST
respond with a 404 Not Found or 405 Method Not Allowed to any HTTP/1.1 or
DAV methods except for PUT, MKCOL, OPTIONS, PROPFIND, LOCK, and UNLOCK.  


Received on Sunday, 5 April 1998 21:19:09 UTC