Some errors in spec-05

Hi all,

	I would like to congradulate the WebDAV working group on the much improved WebDAV specification.  It is cleaner and more organized than previous versions.  With that, there are a few errors that I noticed in some of the status codes where the codes conflict with existing HTTP 1.1 status codes.

WebDAV status code		HTTP status code
------------------		----------------
207 Multi-Status			207 Partial update OK
418 Unprocessable Entity	418 Reauthentication Required
419 Insufficient Space on	419 Proxy Reauthentication Required

	Also, in Section 8.2.4, one of the status codes returned is "405 Conflict" although status code 405 is supposed to mean "Method Not Allowed".
It should be changed to "409 Conflict" or "405 Method Not Allowed".

\\Marc Eaddy

Received on Thursday, 4 December 1997 15:00:49 UTC