Re: minor questions and quibbles on V4 spec

Just a confirmation of David Durand's point.  The namespace proposal
that we will be releasing for review this week does not support scoped 
values.  You will need to explicitly use the namespace qualifier on 
each element from that namespace.

The other option is to experiment with application specific conventions 
about scoping.  I would strongly suggest that you do not experiment 
with something like the WEBDAV spec because it is likely that the scoping 
rules will be reexamined by the XML WG in a latter version. 


Dave Hollander
Co-author "Name Spaces in XML"

> David Durand wrote:
> This feature is also _not_ likely to be in XML. Final language has not
> been approved on namespaces, but discussion has already led top
> general agreement that only _+fully_ qualified names will have meaning
> in the 1.0 version of XML. It is not clear what, if any, defaulting
> rules are needed or possible to integrate with the rest of XML, and so
> the minimization feature of scoping is not currently slated for inclusion.
> The misunderstanding is very understandable, the original namespace
> proposal included minimization, and the version on the web may still
> do so, but that proposal was just one imput among many hundreds of emails,
> and its unmodified form is not still under consideration.
>   Given that one can already abbreviate the URI prefixes to a single letter,
>   I would hope that anyone writing XML would write fully qualified names, and
>   not rely on XML namespace scoping to make thier tags unambiguous.
> This will probably be the only standard practice for some time,
> although we hope that people will be experimenting with scoped
> solutions (and their interaction with DTDs) in order to provide input
> to the XML process.

Received on Monday, 20 October 1997 15:52:50 UTC