RE: Collections

Think of it this way.

INDEX - A canned search
PROPFIND - A heavily limited search
SEARCH - A real search

The reason for having three methods which all do SEARCH like things is
that for certain applications it is more efficient to optimize for a
specific type of search. For example, a simple DAV server is not going
to implement SEARCH and PROPFIND is probably going to be fairly
inefficient. INDEX, however, is something they can implement right up
from their underlying storage. Force them to handle arbitrary requests
and you blow their efficiency advantage.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Judith Slein []
> Sent:	Thursday, September 25, 1997 9:29 AM
> To:	Yaron Goland
> Cc:	'Judith Slein';; ''
> Subject:	RE: Collections
> I think it makes INDEX behave just like PROPFIND, only for all members
> of a
> collection.
> --Judy
> At 02:54 PM 9/24/97 PDT, Yaron Goland wrote:
> >I would argue that if the client is specifying what is returned then
> it
> >is not an INDEX, it is a search. There will be a separate working
> group
> >set up to define how one does that with DAV.
> >	Yaron
> >
> Name:			Judith A. Slein
> E-Mail:
> Internal Phone:  	8*222-5169
> External Phone:		(716) 422-5169
> Fax:			(716) 265-7133
> MailStop:		105-50C

Received on Thursday, 25 September 1997 13:19:39 UTC