I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-02.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning Working Group of the IETF.

	Title		: Requirements for Distributed Authoring and 
                          Versioning on the World Wide Web
	Author(s)	: D. Durand, J. Whitehead, J. Slein, F. Vitali
	Filename	: draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-02.txt
	Pages		: 16
	Date		: 1997-08-29
Current World Wide Web (WWW or Web) standards provide simple support
for applications which allow remote editing of typed data. In practice,
the existing capabilities of the WWW have proven inadequate to support
efficient, scalable remote editing free of overwriting conflicts.
This document presents a list of features in the form of requirements
which, if implemented, would improve the efficiency of common remote
editing operations, provide a locking mechanism to prevent overwrite
conflicts, improve link management support between non-HTML
data types, provide a simple attribute-value metadata facility, provide
for the creation and reading of container data types, and integrate
versioning into the WWW.

Internet-Drafts are available by anonymous FTP.  Login wih the username
"anonymous" and a password of your e-mail address.  After logging in,
type "cd internet-drafts" and then
	"get draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-02.txt".
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	Africa:	ftp.is.co.za
	Europe: ftp.nordu.net
	Pacific Rim: munnari.oz.au
	US East Coast: ds.internic.net
	US West Coast: ftp.isi.edu

Internet-Drafts are also available by mail.

Send a message to:	mailserv@ds.internic.net.  In the body type:
	"FILE /internet-drafts/draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-02.txt".
NOTE:	The mail server at ds.internic.net can return the document in
	MIME-encoded form by using the "mpack" utility.  To use this
	feature, insert the command "ENCODING mime" before the "FILE"
	command.  To decode the response(s), you will need "munpack" or
	a MIME-compliant mail reader.  Different MIME-compliant mail readers
	exhibit different behavior, especially when dealing with
	"multipart" MIME messages (i.e. documents which have been split
	up into multiple messages), so check your local documentation on
	how to manipulate these messages.
Below is the data which will enable a MIME compliant mail reader
implementation to automatically retrieve the ASCII version of the

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 1997 09:50:11 UTC