RE: Author's Meeting Drafts - DAV Base Spec

The following is the namespace (base spec) draft as agreed to by the DAV

A Proposal for Collections of Web Resources and Name Space Operations


1 Observations on the HTTP Object Model

As a prerequisite for specification of collections and name space
operations for the Web, a model for collection resources and for
namespace topology must be given.  This section describes a new type of
Web resource, the collection resource, and provides a model for
discussing the relationship between the resources that are generated as
the result of a data-producing process, and the source resources that
describe the process.

1.1 Collection Resources

A collection is a Web resource type whose primary state is a set of URIs
and associated values that are recorded as properties on the resource.
The URIs identify the resources that are members of the collection.  The
values associated with each URI include information such as the Last
Modified Date, Entity Tag, Creation Date, Content Type, Display Name,
and whether the member is a collection.

A member of a collection is either an internal member resource, which
MUST have a URI that is relative to the base URI of the collection, or
an external member resource, which has a URI which is not relative to
the base URI of the collection. External member resources are further
subdivided into propagate members, which have recursive method
invocations propagated to them, and no-propagate members, which do not.

A collection resource may be viewed and used as a compound resource in
which the collection is a container for a group of related resources
that, together, form a larger logical unit.  For example, a collection
of HTML resources where each resource is the chapter of a book can be
viewed as a compound resource representing the entire book.

Some methods, when invoked on a collection, affect the entire
collection.  For example, it is possible to copy an entire collection
and its contents with just a single copy method request. The model for
performing these operations is a tree traversal.  The method is invoked
on the collection, which then performs the method on itself before
propagating the method to all its internal members and propagate
external members.  If these are non-collection resources, the request
method is processed.  However, if the request is propagated to another
collection, then the propagation begins again.  This sequence of actions
causes the method to be propagated as a tree traversal of the members of
the collections.

1.2 Creation and Retrieval of Collection Resources

Since the existing HTTP methods for creating (PUT, POST) and retrieving
(GET) a resource were defined for non-collection resources, it is not
surprising that the semantics of these methods do not transfer well to
collections. For example, the PUT method is defined to store the request
entity under the Request-URI.  While a description format for a
collection can readily be constructed that could be used with PUT, the
implications of sending such a description to the server are
undesirable.  For example, if a description of a collection was PUT to
the server which omitted some existing resources, this might be
interpreted as a command to remove those members.  However, this would
extend PUT to perform DELETE functionality, which is undesirable since
it changes the semantics of PUT, and makes it difficult to control
DELETE functionality with an access control scheme based on methods. 

While the POST method is sufficiently open-ended that a "create a
collection" POST command could be constructed, this is undesirable
because it would be difficult to provide separate access control for
collection creation and other uses of POST if they both use the same

The GET method when applied to collections is also problematic.  While
it might seem desirable to have GET return a listing of the members of a
collection, this is foiled by the existence of the "index.html" de-facto
standard namespace redirection, in which a GET request on a collection
is automatically redirected to the index.html resource.

Because of the difficulty of reusing existing HTTP/1.1 methods for
collections, two new resource creation/retrieval methods are needed.
This proposal introduces the MKCOL method for creating collection
resources, and the INDEX method for retrieving the contents of a

The exact definition of the behavior of GET and PUT on collections is
defined later in this draft.  

1.3 Source Resources and Output Resources

For many resources, the entity returned by GET exactly matches the
persistent state of the resource, for example, a GIF file stored on a
disk.  For this simple case, the URL at which a resource is accessed is
identical to the URL at which the source (the persistent state) of the
resource is accessed. This is also the case for HTML source files that
are not processed by the server prior to transmission.

However, HTML files can sometimes be processed by the server before
being transmitted as a return entity body.  Server-side-include
directives within an HTML file instruct a server to replace the
directive with another value, such as the current date.  In this case,
what is returned by GET (HTML plus date) differs from the persistent
state of the resource (HTML plus directive). Typically there is no way
to access the HTML file containing the unprocessed directive.

Sometimes the entity returned by GET is the output of a data-producing
process that is described by one or more source resources (that may not
even have a location in the URL namespace).  A single data-producing
process may dynamically generate the state of a potentially large number
of output resources. An example of this is a CGI script that describes a
"finger" gateway process that maps part of the namespace of a server
into finger requests, such as

In the absence of distributed authoring capability, the fact that the
source resource(s) for server generated output do not have a mapping to
the URI namespace is not a problem, and has desirable security benefits.
However, if remote editing of the source resource(s) is desired, they
should be given a location in the URI namespace. This source location
should not be one of the locations at which the generated output is
retrievable, since in general it is impossible for the server to
differentiate requests for source resources from requests for process
output resources. There is often a many-to-many relationship between
source resources and output resources.

Within the HTTP URL namespace managed by servers which implement the DAV
property functionality, all resources which have a single source
resource, and that source resource has a URI, the URI of the source
resource SHOULD be stored in a single link with type DAV:/ Source. Note
that by storing the source URI in links on the output resources, the
burden of discovering the source is placed on the authoring client.  

In the general case, a large number of source resources can comprise a
data-producing process that generates many output resources, creating a
many-to-many relationship between output resources and source resources.
If each output resource had links back to every source resource in the
data-producing process, there can be a potentially large number of such
links. Due to the potentially large number of links, and the lack of a
policy for ordering access to multiple sources, explicit storage of
source relationships is limited to cases with only a single source

2 Terms

Collection - A resource that contains member resources. 

Member Resource - a resource referred to by a collection. There are two
types of member resources: external and internal.

Internal Member Resource - the name given to a member resource of a
collection whose URI is relative to the URI of the collection.

External Member Resource - a member resource with an absolute URI that
is not relative to its parent's URI. 

Properties - Also known as small-chunk metadata, a hierarchical set of
name/value pairs that describe a resource.

Live Properties - Properties whose semantics and syntax are enforced by
the server. For example, a live "read-only" property that is enforced by
the server would disallow PUTs to the associated resource.

Dead properties - Properties whose semantics and syntax are not enforced
by the server. A dead "read-only" property would not be enforced by the
server and thus would not be used by the server as a reason to disallow
a PUT on the associated resource.

3 Collection Requirements

The requirements for collections are given below, reprinted from

3.1 List Collection. 

A listing of all resources in a specific collection must be accessible. 

3.2 Make Collection. 

It must be possible to create a new collection. 

3.3 Add to Collection. 

It must be possible to add a resource to a collection directly or by

3.4 Remove from Collection. 

It must be possible to remove a resource from a collection.

4 MKCOL Method

4.1 Problem Description

The client needs a way to create a collection. 

4.2 Solution Requirements

The solution:

- Must ensure that a collection has been made (i.e. that it responds to
the INDEX method) as opposed to a non-collection resource. If a
collection could not be made, it must indicate a failure to the

- The server MAY, if necessary, create any intermediate collections so
that the underlying storage medium is consistent.

4.3 Request

The MKCOL method creates a new collection resource at the location
specified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI exists then MKCOL must

During MKCOL processing, a server MAY add the Request-URI to one or more
collections within the server's controlled namespace.

4.3.1 MKCOL Without Request Body

When MKCOL is invoked without a request body then the collection created
has no members.

4.3.2 MKCOL With Request Body

A MKCOL request message MAY contain a message body.  The behavior of a
MKCOL request when the body is present is limited to creating
collections, members of a collection, bodies of members and properties
on the collections or members. If the server receives a MKCOL request
entity type it does not support or understand it MUST respond with a 415
(Unsupported Media Type) status code. 

4.3.3 Creating Multiple Collections

The server MAY create intermediate collections if they do not already
exist. For example, if the collection http://server/a/ already exists in
the server's namespace, then while performing a MKCOL to create
http://server/a/b/c/ the server may also create a collection at

4.4 Response

Responses from a MKCOL request are not cacheable, since MKCOL has
non-idempotent semantics.

201 (Created) - The structured resource was created in its entirety.

403 (Forbidden) - The server does not allow the creation of collections
at the given location in its namespace.

415 (Unsupported Media Type)- The server does not support the request
type of the body.

416 (Unprocessable Entity) - A new status code.  The server understands
the content type of the request entity, but was unable to process the
contained instructions.

4.5 Example

This example creates a container collection called /webdisc/xfiles/ on
the server

MKCOL /webdisc/xfiles/ HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

5 INDEX Method

5.1 Problem Description

A mechanism is needed to discover if a resource is a collection and if
so, list its members.

5.2 Solution Requirements

The solution:

- must allow a client to discover the members of a collection

- must always provide a machine-readable description of the membership
of a collection

5.3 The Request 

The INDEX method returns a machine-readable representation of the
membership of the resource at the Request-URI.  For a collection, INDEX
returns a machine-readable list of its members.  For other resources,
the information returned by INDEX is undefined, and MAY vary.  The
request message body of an INDEX request SHOULD be ignored.

The Depth header can be used to indicate how much of a result can be
generated for the response. The specific values allowed for the depth
header when used with the INDEX method are 1 and infinity. The 1 value
indicates that the internal and external member resources should be
reported in the result, infinity indicates that all internal and
external member resources and all their descendants should be in the
result. If the Depth header is not given, then 1 is assumed. Servers
MUST honor a depth of 1. Servers MAY honor infinity.  If the server does
not support the value of the depth header then a 412 (Precondition
failed) MUST be returned.

5.4 The Response 

200 (OK) - The server MUST send an application/xml response entity which
describes the collection.

404 (Not Found) - Same behavior as HTTP 1.1. The server never had the
resource, or the server permanently deleted the resource and has no
knowledge that it ever existed. This error code implies that,
essentially, the server has no information about the Request URI.

5.5 Response Message Body

The default INDEX response for a resource is an application/xml HTTP
entity (i.e., an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document) that
contains a single XML elementXML element called collectionresource which
describes the collection, and a set of XML elements called memberesource
which describe the members of the collection.

The response from INDEX is cacheable, and SHOULD be accompanied by an
ETag header (see section 13.3.4 of RFC 2068). If GET and INDEX return
different entities for the same resource state, they MUST return
different entity tags.

The server MUST transmit the following XML elementselements for each
member resource of a collection: Ref, IsCollection, Content-Type,
External. The server MUST transmit the following XML elementselements if
it can generate any meaningful values for them: Creation-Date,
Last-Modified, DisplayName, Content-Language.   The server SHOULD
transmit Etag XML elements for each member (see section 13.3.4 of RFC

The value of content-type, last-modified, and etag XML elements MUST be
identical to the value of the response header field of the same name in
the HTTP/1.1 specification.  Since the HTTP/1.1 header fields are
described in terms of the on-the-wire entity, the values presented by
INDEX are those that would be generated if the resource was accessed
using the GET method without content negotiation.

5.5.1 CollectionResource


Purpose: 	Describes a collection


Parent:	<XML>

Value:	MemberResource

5.5.2 MemberResource


Purpose:	Describes a member of a collection


Parent:	CollectionResource

Value:	Ref, IsCollection, Content-Type, External, Creation-Date,
Last-Modified, ETag, DisplayName (other XML elements MAY also be

5.5.3 Ref

See XML definition.

5.5.4 IsCollection


Purpose:	This is a boolean value which is set to "true" if the
entry is a collection


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	("true" | "false")

5.5.5 Content-Type


Purpose:	The content-type of the member resource. 


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	media-type   ; defined in Section 3.7 of [HTTP11]

 If no meaningful content-type can be generated, then an empty value
MUST be given.

5.5.6 External


Purpose:	If present, this element indicates the resource is an
external member of the collection.  If the value is "propagate," it is a
propagate member, if the value is "no-propagate," it is a no-propagate


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	("propagate" | "no-propagate")

5.5.7 Creation-Date


Purpose: 	The date the resource was created.


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	The date MUST be given in RFC 1123 format (rfc-1123 production,
defined in section 3.3.1 of [HTTP11]

5.5.8 Last-Modified


Purpose:	The date the resource was last modified.


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	The date MUST be given in RFC 1123 format (rfc-1123 production,
defined in section 3.3.1 of [HTTP11]

5.5.9 ETag


Purpose:	The entity tag of the resource.


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	entity-tag    ; defined in Section 3.11 of [HTTP11]

5.5.10 DisplayName


Purpose:	A name for the resource that is suitable for
presentation to a person


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	Any valid XML character data (from XML specification)

5.5.11 Content-Language


Purpose:	Describes the natural language(s) of the intended
audience for the resource.


Parent:	MemberResource

Value:	1#language-tag	;language-tag is defined in section 14.13 of RFC

5.6 Example

INDEX /user/yarong/dav_drafts/ HTTP/1.1
Depth: 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: xxx
Last-Modified: xxx
ETag: "fooyyybar"


			<Creation-Date>Thu, 20 Mar 1997 23:05:25 GMT</>
			<Last-Modified>Fri, 22 Aug 1997 18:22:56 GMT</>
			<DisplayName>WebDAV Name Space Operations
</>	</>	</>

This example shows the result of the INDEX method applied to the
collection resource  It
returns a response body in XML format, which gives information about the
container's sole member,

6 Behavior of RFC 2068 Methods on Collections

With the introduction of the collection resource type to the HTTP object
model, it is necessary to define the behavior of the existing methods
(defined in RFC 2068) when invoked on a collection resource to avoid
ambiguity.  While some methods, such as OPTIONS and TRACE behave
identically when applied to collections, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, and
DELETE require some additional explanation.

6.1 GET, HEAD for Collections

The semantics of GET are unchanged when applied to a collection, since
GET is defined as, "retrieve whatever information (in the form of an
entity) is identified by the Request-URI" [HTTP11]. GET when applied to
a collection MAY return the contents of an "index.html" resource, a
human-readable view of the contents of the collection, or something else
altogether, and hence it is possible the result of a GET on a collection
will bear no correlation to the state of the collection.

Similarly, since the definition of HEAD is a GET without a response
message body, the semantics of HEAD do not require any modification when
applied to collection resources.

6.2 POST for Collections

Since by definition the actual function performed by POST is determined
by the server and often depends on the particular resource, the behavior
of POST when applied to collections cannot be modified because it is
largely undefined.  Thus the semantics of POST do not require any
modification when applied to a collection.

6.3 PUT for Collections

In HTTP/1.1, PUT stores the request entity under the Request-URI, and
hence its semantics are limited to non-collection resources.  If a PUT
is invoked on a collection it MUST fail.

When the PUT operation creates a new non-collection resource, a server
MAY add that resource's URI to one or more collections within the
server's controlled namespace. 

6.4 DELETE for Collections

When DELETE is applied to a collection resource, all internal members
MUST be recursively deleted. The dav:link/propagate members MUST be
deleted and their links must be removed. dav:link/nopropagate members
MUST have only their link removed; the resources MUST not be deleted.

The Depth header does not apply to the DELETE method. It cannot be used
to limit the extent of the operation. If it is present it MUST be

When applied to any resource, the DELETE method deletes all properties
on the Request-URI.  

During DELETE processing, a server MAY remove the URI of the deleted
resource(s) from collections within its controlled namespace.

6.4.1 New Response Codes

207 (Partial Success) Only some of the member resources were deleted.
The response entity will describe any errors.

500 (Server Error) The resource was in such a state that it could not be
deleted. The response entity will describe reason for the error.

7 COPY Method

7.1 Problem Description

Currently, in order to create a copy of a resource, the client must GET
an entity and then PUT that entity to the desired destination. This
requires (1) an entity to be transmitted to and from the server and (2)
that the resource be expressible as an entity with complete fidelity. 

This is problematic because of the network traffic involved in making a
copy, and because there is often no way to fully express a resource as
an entity without a loss of fidelity.

7.2 Solution Requirements

The solution: 

- MUST allow a principal to create a copy of a resource without having
to transmit the resource to and from the server.

7.3 The Request

The COPY method creates a duplicate of the source resource, given by the
Request-URI, in the destination resource, given by the Destination
header.  The Destination header MUST be present.  The exact behavior of
the COPY method depends on the type of the source resource.

7.3.1 COPY for HTTP/1.1 resources

When the source resource is not a collection, and is not a property, the
body of the destination resource MUST be octet-for-octet identical to
the body of the source resource. Alterations to the destination resource
do not modify the source resource. Alterations to the source resource do
not modify the destination resource. Thus, all copies are performed

If the Duplicate-Properties header is "false," then properties SHOULD
NOT be copied to the destination resource. If the Duplicate-Properties
header is "false" and the Enforce-Live-Properties header is also
present, the request MUST fail with a 412 (Precondition Failed) status

Properties SHOULD be duplicated on the destination resource by
performing the equivalent actions as a logical copy of the root property
on the source to the root property on the destination, following the
definition for copying properties.

7.3.2 COPY for Properties

Live properties SHOULD be duplicated as identically behaving live
properties at the destination resource. Since they are live properties,
the server determines the syntax and semantics (hence value) of these
properties.  Properties named by the Enforce-Live-Properties header MUST
be live on the destination resource, or the method MUST fail.  If a
property is not named by Enforce-Live-Properties and cannot be copied
live, then its value MUST be duplicated in an identically named, dead
resource on the destination resource.

For every dead property defined on the source resource, there SHOULD be
an octet-for-octet identical dead property on the destination resource.

Duplicated properties MUST maintain the ordering of properties on the
destination, and MUST maintain the tree structure of properties.

7.3.3 COPY for Collections

The Depth and Overwrite headers govern the behavior of COPY for

When performing a recursive copy, all HTTP/1.1 request headers are
duplicated on the propagated method request except for the precondition
headers If-Modified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, If-Range,
If-Unmodified-Since, which should only be applied to the Request-URI to
determine if the operation should be performed. The Destination header
MUST be rewritten to preserve the membership of the destination
collection, i.e., by appending the relative URI of the member to the URI
of the destination collection.

A Depth of "0" indicates the collection MUST duplicate all of its
external members in a new collection at the Destination. Since the COPY
method is not propagated to its members, no internal member resource is

A Depth of "1" indicates the collection MUST propagate the COPY to all
internal, non-collection members and to all non-collection propagate
external members.  If the Overwrite header is "true" the COPY method
duplicates all of its external members in a new collection at the
Destination. If the Overwrite header is "false" and the destination
resource is a collection, the COPY method does not duplicate its
external members, but is propagated to all internal, non-collection

A Depth of "infinity" indicates the collection MUST propagate the COPY
method to all internal members and all propagate external members. If
the Overwrite header is "true," the COPY method MUST duplicate all of
its external members in a new collection at the Destination. If the
Overwrite header is "false" and the destination resource is a
collection, then the COPY method does not duplicate its external
members, but is propagated to all internal members.

7.3.4 Type Interactions

If the destination resource identifies a property and the source
resource is not a property, then the copy SHOULD fail.

If the destination resource identifies a collection and the Overwrite
header is "true," prior to performing the copy, the server MUST perform
a DELETE operation on the collection. 

7.4 The Response

200 (OK) The source resource was successfully copied to a pre-existing
destination resource.

201 (Created) The source resource was successfully copied.  The copy
operation resulted in the creation of a new resource.

207 (Partial Success) Only some of the member resources were copied. The
return entity body describes the status code for each resource. 

412 (Precondition Failed) This status code MUST be returned if the
server was unable to maintain the liveness of the properties listed in
the Enforce-Live-Properties header, or if the Overwrite header is false,
and the state of the destination resource is non-null.

500 (Server Error) The resource was in such a state that it could not be
copied. This may occur if the Destination header indicated an external
(from the point of view of the server) resource and the server has no
capability to copy to an external resource. 

502 (Bad Gateway) - This may occur when copying to external resources
and the destination server refused to accept the resource.

7.5 Examples

7.5.1 Overwrite Example

This example shows resource
being copied to the location  The contents of the
destination resource were overwritten, if non-null.

COPY /~fielding/index.html HTTP/1.1
Overwrite: "true"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

7.5.2 No Overwrite Example

The following example shows the same copy operation being performed,
except with the Overwrite header set to "false."  A response of 412,
Precondition Failed, is returned because the destination resource has a
non-null state.

COPY /~fielding/index.html HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed

8 MOVE Method

8.1 Problem Description

The move operation on a resource is the logical equivalent of a copy
followed by a delete.

In HTTP 1.1, the procedure could be performed in several steps. First,
the client could issue a GET to retrieve a representation of a resource,
issue a DELETE to remove the resource from the server, then use PUT to
place the resource on the server with a new URI. As is the case for
COPY, because of the network traffic involved in making a move, and
because there is often no way to fully express a resource as an entity
without a loss of fidelity, server move functionality is preferable.

With a DAV server, a principal may accomplish this task by issuing a
COPY and then DELETE. Network load decreases, but the server load may
still be significant because the server must create a duplicate
resource. If a server knew beforehand that a principal intends to
perform COPY and DELETE operations in succession, it can avoid the
creation of a duplicate resource.

8.2 Solution Requirements

The solution:

- Must prevent the unneeded transfer of entity bodies from and to the

- Must prevent the unneeded creation of copies by the server.

8.3 The Request 

The MOVE method is defined as the logical equivalent of a COPY followed
by a DELETE of the source resource, performed atomically.

8.4 The Response

200 (OK) - The resource was moved. A successful response must contain
the Content-Location header, set equal to the URI in source. This lets
caches properly flush any cached entries for the source. Unfortunately
the Content-Location header only allows a single value so it is not
possible for caches unfamiliar with the MOVE method to properly clear
their caches.

207 (Partial Success) Only some of the member resources were moved.  The
return entity body will give the status code for each resource.

412 (Precondition Failed) This status code MUST be returned if the
server was unable to maintain the liveness of the properties listed in
the Enforce-Live-Properties header, or if the Overwrite header is false,
and the state of the destination resource is non-null.

501 (Not Implemented) - This may occur if the Destination header
specifies a resource which is outside its domain of control (e.g.,
stored on another server) resource and the server either refuses or is
incapable of moving to an external resource. 

502 (Bad Gateway) - This may occur when moving to external resources and
the destination server refused to accept the resource.

8.5 Examples

8.5.1 Overwrite Example

This example shows resource
being moved to the location  The contents of the
destination resource were overwritten, if non-null.

MOVE /~fielding/index.html HTTP/1.1
Overwrite: true

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

9 Multi-Status Response

9.1 Problem Definition

When certain methods (COPY, MOVE, and DELETE) are applied to a
collection, they may end up being recursively applied to all sub-members
of the collection.  In this case, it is possible that the operation will
succeed on some member resources, while it will fail on others, thus
generating a 207 (Partial Success) status code.  A user-agent needs to
know for which members of the collection the method succeeded and for
which it failed.

9.2 Solution Requirements

The solution must:

-	communicate the status code and reason 

-	give the URI of the resource on which the method was invoked

-	be consistent with other return body formats

9.3 Multi-Status Response

The default multi-status response body is an application/xml HTTP entity
that contains a single XML elementXML element called multiresponse,
which contains a set of XML elements called response, one for each 200,
300, 400, and 500 series status code generated during the method
invocation.  100 series status codes MUST NOT be recorded in a response
XML elementXML element. Each response XML elementXML element contains
two sub-entities, ref, the URI of the resource on which the method was
invoked, and status, which holds the status-line from the method

A multi-status response MUST be present when a 207 (Partial Success)
status code is returned by the initial method invocation.

9.3.1 MultiResponse


Purpose:	Contains multiple response messages.


Parent:	<XML>

Value:	1*Response

9.3.2 Response


Purpose:	Holds a single response


Parent:	MultiResponse

Value:	Ref, Status

9.3.3 Status


Purpose:	Holds a single HTTP status-line


Parent:	Response

Value:	status-line   ;status-line defined in [HTTP11]

9.4 Example

COPY /users/jdoe/collection/ HTTP/1.1
Depth: infinity
Overwrite: false

HTTP/1.1 207 Partial Success
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: xxx



			<Status>HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed</>

			<Status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</>
</>	</>	</>

10 ADDREF Method

10.1 Problem Definition

There needs to be a way to add an external member to a collection.

10.2 Solution Requirements

The solution must:

- allow access control

- allow referencing to URIs of external members

- not require a body

10.3 The Request

The ADDREF method adds the URI specified in the Collection-Member header
as an external member to the collection specified by the Request-URI.
The value in the Collection-Member header MUST be an absolute URI
meeting the requirements of an external member URI.  The propagation
type of the external URI is specified in the Collection-Member Header.

11 DELREF Method

11.1 Problem Definition

There needs to be a way to remove an external member from a collection.

11.2 Solution Requirements

The solution must:

- allow access control

- allow referencing to URIs of external members

- not require a body

11.3 The Request

The DELREF method removes the URI specified in the Collection-Member
header from the collection specified by the Request-URI.

12 PATCH Method

12.1 Problem Definition

At present, if a principal modifies a resource, they must issue a GET
against the resource, modify their local copy of the resource, and then
issue a PUT to place the modified resource on the server. This procedure
is inefficient because the entire entity for a resource must be
transmitted to and from the server in order to make even small changes.
Ideally, the update entity transmitted to the server should be
proportional in size to the modifications.

12.2 Solution Requirements

The solution must:

- allow partial modification of a resource without having to transmit
the entire modified resource

- allow byte-range patching

- allows extensions so that patches can be done beyond simple byte-range

- allow ranges to be deleted, inserted, and replaced

12.3 The Request

The PATCH method contains a list of differences between the original
version of the resource identified by the Request-URI and the desired
content of the resource after the PATCH action has been applied. The
list of differences is in a format defined by the media type of the
entity (e.g., "application/diff") and must include sufficient
information to allow the server to convert the original version of the
resource to the desired version.  

Since the semantics of PATCH are non-idempotent, responses to this
method are not cacheable.  

If the request appears (at least initially) to be acceptable, the server
MUST transmit an interim 100 response message after receiving the empty
line terminating the request headers and continue processing the

While server support for PATCH is optional, if a server does support
PATCH, it MUST support at least the application/xml diff format defined
below.  Support for the VTML difference format [VTML] is recommended,
but not required.

12.4 application/XML elements for PATCH

The resourceupdate XML elementXML element contains a set of XML
sub-entities that describe modification operations.  The name and
meaning of these XML elements is given below. Processing of these
directives MUST be performed in the order encountered within the XML
document.  A directive  operates on the resource as modified by all
previous directives (executed in sequential order).

12.4.1 ResourceUpdate


Purpose:	Contains an ordered set of changes to a non-collection,
non-property resource.


Parent:	<XML>

Value:	*(Insert | Delete | Replace)

12.4.2 Insert


Purpose:	Insert the XML elementXML element's contents starting
exactly at the specified octet. 


Parent:	ResourceUpdate

Value:	The insert XML elementXML element MUST contain an octet XML
elementXML element that specifies an octet position within the body of a
resource.  A value of "end" specifies the end of the resource.  The body
of the insert XML elementXML element contains the octets to be inserted.

12.4.3 Delete


Purpose:	Removes the specified range of octets.


Parent:	ResourceUpdate

Value:	The Delete XML elementXML element MUST contain an octet-range
XML elementXML element. The value of this XML elementXML element is

Discussion: The octets which are deleted are removed, which means the
resource is collapsed and the length of the resource is decremented by
the size of the octet range.  It is not appropriate to replace deleted
octets with zeroed-out octets, since zero is a valid octet value.

12.4.4 Replace


Purpose:	Replaces the specified range of octets with the contents
of the XML element.  If the number of octets in the XML element is
different from the number of octets specified, the update MUST be


Parent:	ResourceUpdate

Value:	The Replace XML element MUST contain an octet-range XML element.
The contents of the entity are the replacement octets.

12.4.5 Octet-Range Attribute


Purpose:	Specifies a range of octets which the enclosing property


Parent:	Insert, Delete, Replace

Value:	number ["-" (number | "end")]

		Number = 1*Digit

Description: Octet numbering begins with 0. If the octet contains a
single number then the operation is to begin at that octet and to
continue for a length specified by the operation. In the case of a
delete, this would mean to delete but a single octet. In the case of an
insert this would mean to begin the insertion at the specified octet and
to continue for the length of the included value, extending the resource
if necessary. In the case of replace, the replace begins at the
specified octet and overwrites all that follow to the length of the
included value.  Octet values MUST specify locations in the state of the
resource prior to the processing of the PATCH method.

12.5 The Response

200 (OK) - The request entity body was processed without error,
resulting in an update to the state of the resource.

409 (Conflict) - If the update information in the request message body
does not make sense given the current state of the resource (e.g., an
instruction to delete a non-existent line), this status code MAY be

415 (Unsupported Media Type) - The server does not support the content
type of the update instructions in the request message body.

416 (Unprocessable Entity) - A new status code.  The server understands
the content type of the request entity, but was unable to process the
contained instructions.

12.6 Examples

12.6.1 HTML file modification

The following example shows a modification of the title and contents of
the HTML resource


<TITLE>Hello world HTML page</TITLE>
<P>Hello, world!</P>

PATCH Request:					Response:

PATCH hello.html HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: xxx

							HTTP/1.1 100


</>	</>

							HTTP/1.1 200 OK


<TITLE>New Title</TITLE>
<P>Hello, world!</P>
<P>New paragraph</P>

13 Headers

13.1 Depth

The Depth header determines the depth to which a method is propagated on
a resource's children. 

Depth = "Depth" ":" DepthToken

DepthToken = "0" | "1" | "infinity" | token

The optional token allows for extension. A server MUST ignore a Depth
header with an unknown value.

13.2 Destination

The Destination header specifies a destination resource for methods such
as COPY and MOVE which take two URIs as parameters. 

Destination= "Destination" ":" URI

13.3 Enforce-Live-Properties

The Enforce-Live-Properties header specifies properties that MUST be
"live" after they are copied (moved) to the destination resource of a
copy (or move). If the value "*" is given for the header, then it
designates all live properties on the source resource.  

EnforceLiveProperties = "Enforce-Live-Properties" ":" ("*" | 1#(
Property-Name ))

Property-Name = <"> URI <">

13.4 Duplicate-Properties

The Duplicate-Properties header instructs the server whether to
duplicate the source resource's properties onto the destination resource
during a COPY or MOVE.  A value of "false" states that the server MUST
NOT duplicate on the destination resource any properties which are
defined on the source resource.  By default, the value of this header is
"true," and a client MAY omit this header from a request when its value
is "true."

Duplicate-Properties = "Duplicate-Properties" ":" ("true" | "false")

13.5 Overwrite

The Overwrite header specifies whether the server should overwrite the
state of a non-null destination resource during a COPY or MOVE.  A value
of "false" states that the server MUST NOT perform the COPY or MOVE
operation if the state of the destination resource is non-null. By
default, the value of Overwrite is "false," and a client MAY omit this
header from a request when its value is "false." While the Overwrite
header appears to duplicate the functionality of the If-Match: * header
of HTTP/1.1, If-Match applies only to the Request-URI, and not to the
Destination of a COPY or MOVE.

Overwrite = "Overwrite" ":" ("true" | "false")

13.6 Destroy Header

When deleting a resource the client often wishes to specify exactly what
sort of delete is being enacted. The Destroy header, used with PEP,
allows the client to specify the end result they desire. The Destroy
header is specified as follows:

DestroyHeader = "Destroy" ":" #Choices

Choices = "VersionDestroy" | "NoUndelete" | "Undelete" | Token

The Undelete token requests that, if possible, the resource should be
left in a state such that it can be undeleted. The server is not
required to honor this request.

The NoUndelete token requests that the resource MUST NOT be left in a
state such that it can be undeleted.

The VersionDestroy token includes the functionality of the NoUndelete
token and extends it to include having the server remove all versioning
references to the resource that it has control over.

13.7 Collection-Member Header

The Collection-Member header specifies the URI of an external resource
to be added/deleted to/from a collection. 

CollectionMember = "Collection-Member" ":" PropType SP URI

PropType = "propagation" "=" ("prop" | "noprop")

14 Links

14.1 Source Link Property Type


Purpose:	The destination of the source link identifies the
resource which contains the unprocessed source of the link's source.


Parent:	Any.

Value:	An XML document with zero or more link XML elements. 

Discussion: The source of the link (src) is typically the URI of the
resource on which the link is defined, and there is typically only one
destination (dst) of the link, which is the URI where the unprocessed
source of the resource may be accessed.

15 References

[DAVREQ] J. A. Slein, F. Vitali, E. J. Whitehead, Jr., and D. G. Durand.
"Requirements for Distributed Authoring and Versioning on the World Wide
Web" Internet Draft, work-in-progress,
<draft-ietf-webdav-requirements-00.txt>, May, 1997. 

[HTTP11] R. T. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. F. Nielsen, and T.
Berners-Lee.  "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1" RFC 2068.  U.C.
Irvine, Digital Equipment Corp., MIT/LCS. January, 1997.

[NEWURL] T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter. "Uniform Resource
Locators (URL): Generic Syntax and Semantics." Internet-draft,
work-in-progress. <draft-fielding-url-syntax-05.txt>, May 2, 1997.

[VTML] F. Vitali, D. Durand. "VTML: Technical Description." Unpublished

16 Appendix A - Open Issues

The following are open issues.

Whether Depth = 1 header values should be allowed for COPY on
collections (principal authors currently favor but need feedback from


Received on Monday, 7 July 1997 21:51:15 UTC