Proposal for LOCK & UNLOCK

1	LOCK Method

1.1	Problem Description

Locks exist to arbitrate access to a resource amongst principals that
have equal access rights to that resource. The need for this arbitration
results from a desire to avoid having to constantly merge results. In
fact, users so dislike having to merge that they would serialize their
access to a resource rather than have to constantly merge.

1.2	Request-URI

The request-URI is the resource to be locked.

1.3	Lock-Info Header

LockInfo = "Lock-Info" ":" LockType SP LockScope CRLF
LockType = "LockType" "=" ("Write" | #Token)
LockScope = "LockScope" "=" ("Exclusive" | #Token)

The Lock-Info header specifies the type of lock. I propose that the DAV
specification only allow for Exclusive Write locks. These are locks that
prevent those without the lock from performing any method on the
resource other than HEAD, META*, LINK/UNLINK, and UNLOCK.

1.4	Time-Out Header

TimeOut = "Time-Out" ":" TimeType CRLF
TimeType = "Second" SP TimeOutVal | "NONE" | *(Token | LWS)
TimeOutVal = 1*digit

The Time-Out header specifies the number of time units that may pass
without action from the lock owner before the owner's lock will be
released. The time out counter is reset whenever the lock owner executes
a method of any kind on the locked resource.

I propose that the DAV specification define the "Second" TimeType which
specifies a number of seconds which may elapse before the lock is lost.
A server is only required to accept a "Second" value of up to 2^32 and
may reject time out values greater than that with a 400 Bad Request.

I also propose that the DAV specification define the "NONE" TimeType
which specifies that the lock may only be removed via an UNLOCK.

The Lock-Token header can be used along with the Time-Out header in a
LOCK method call to change the time-out setting.

1.5	Owner Header

Owner = "Owner" ":" URI CRLF

1.6	Additional Legal Headers


1.7	Range Locks

The Range header may be used with a LOCK method to specify that a lock
only applies to part of a resource. While a ranged lock is in process no
PUT request on the resource, either to a locked or unlocked range of the
resource, may be submitted with the Write-Type header set to INSERT.

The purpose of this restriction is to simplify the implementation of
lock. Currently no system that I am aware of allows insertion writes
while a ranged lock is active.

The method restriction on Exclusive Write only applies to the range of
the resource that is locked.

1.8	Example

LOCK http://blah HTTP/1.1
Lock-Info: LockType = Write LockScope = Exclusive
TimeOut = NONE
Range: bytes=12-13
LockOwner =

The previous will create an exclusive write lock on the byte range 12-13
of the resource referred to by the URL http://blah with no time out and
a lock owner of

1.9	Lock-Token Header

LockToken = "Lock-Token" ":" Token CRLF

The LockToken header may never appear in the same request as a Lock-Info

1.10	Item Behavior

A lock on an item only locks that item. A successful response will
contain a Lock-Token header with the token for that lock. If the item is
deleted then all locks on that resource are lost.

1.11	Structure Behavior

The default behavior when locking a structure is to lock the structure
and all its primary members. If the PropagateLinks header is included
then secondary members are also locked.

If all members of the structure are locked then the server should return
a 200 Success with a response body containing a web collection
specifying individual lock tokens for each member of the structure.

The lock on the structure itself prevents the addition or removal of
resources from the structure. Thus attempts to add or remove resources
in the structure's namespace will fail. Attempts to add
DAV.PropagateLink links will also fail. The DAV.PropagateLinks
restriction is added because the rules for this link are under DAV's
control as we define the semantics of the link.

If it was not possible to lock all members of the structure then a 207
Partial Success should be returned along with a web collection with lock
tokens and return results.

1.12	Discussion

I have prevented restricting access to meta-data because that would
interfere with the choice of large chunk meta-data management system. I
have prevented restricting access to LINKs, with the exception of the
DAV.PropagateLink because I would like to leave maximum flexibility in
that area.

I have also not allowed for one to just lock the STRUCTURE and not its
members. The reason is that I didn't want to complicate things by
putting the PropagateLevel header back into the spec. It was originally
created to handle situations like this, though in this case its value
would either be 0 or Infinity. I am not religious on the issue.

2	UNLOCK Method

The purpose of the UNLOCK method is to remove a lock. The Lock-Token
header is used to identify the lock to be removed.

2.1	Example

UNLOCK http://blah HTTP/1.1
Range: bytes=12-13
Lock-Token: 1343293

2.2	Discussion

Administrators can find the lock tokens on a resource by using the lock
link presented in the current DAV spec. They can then submit an UNLOCK
with that token. If they have proper access the system will acknowledge

Received on Friday, 21 March 1997 04:10:33 UTC