Re: Last call: range locking

(in reply to 26 Feb 1997 message re: range locking not used in

Having the server give the client permission to mangle URLs
is a pretty ugly way to get your URLs mangled. Besides, what
we've learned is that the very same server may have different
requirements for different parts of its address space, and the
permission-to-mangle scope is not easily characterized by
URL patterns. (The realm of cookies isn't a good design to

Because of this, rather than having the server give the client
permission to do a particular kind of mangling, you're better
off having the server return the mangled URL directly as the
result of a request.

So, while your "Goal/ Solution" are OK ("give subsections URLs"),
the example you gave (using a particular attribute to denote
that a particular kind of URL-manging is OK) is not, or at least,
is not in service of the WEBDAV goal of fostering interoperability
between authoring clients and versioning servers.




Received on Wednesday, 5 March 1997 00:42:28 UTC