Attribute Search

I would like to push a little more on the issue of whether we want to
consider attribute search to be in the scope of our activities.  The
linksearch method in the current specification does not allow searching for
documents based on the values of their attributes.  It does not, for
example, let me ask for a list of resources with author="Tolkien".

I would be especially interested in hearing from the DMS vendors on the
mailing list, who have Web interfaces that do queries today.  Do you think
it would be useful to standardize a Web interface to this functionality?
Would you be willing to make recommendations to WebDAV on how to express
queries and responses?

Name:			Judith A. Slein
Internal Phone:  	8*222-5169
External Phone:		(716) 422-5169
Fax:			(716) 265-7133
MailStop:		128-29E

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 1997 17:07:34 UTC