Re: Clarification

> A concern I would have would be relying on Web server vendors to
> provide the necessary capabilities "soon";  it should be possible to
> implement the necessary protocols through (at a minimum) CGI programs
> that could become extensions of the Web server.  That way we
> effectively support the entire legacy infrastructure.

I agree that CGI compliance is valuable for this reason, but I also
liked the idea of incorporating into jigsaw, as a 'native' implementation
would also be valuable and might help to steer the "giants"

> The existing
> infrastructure of e-mail, Web browser and Web server products
> should be capable of supporting the aims of WEBDAV by encapsulating
> requests within multipart/form-data requests on the "input" side
Also worthy of consideration are the new web protocols  HTTP-NG and
HTTP-MUX (these are closely related to each other), as both of these
provide a mechanism for bundling arbitrary numbers of files, and more
efficiently than using MIME multipart bundling (at least I know that
HTTP-NG does provide this, and I believe HTTP-MUX does also but do
correct me if I'm wrong).  I'll copy Simon Spero, the author of the
HTTP-NG protocol, in case I'm lying ;-)

> and the current Web server infrastructure on the output side.  I'd
> be concerned that extensions to the HTTP header would backfire and
> would grant license to the big players in the server arena (Microsoft
> and Netscape) to dominate the WEBDAV applications market.

I'd stay within HTTP-NG or HTTP-MUX, if working with the http protocol
or else I would say your concerns are quite valid...

> This is either old ground or a holy war -- tell me which! ;)

A little of both?


Received on Thursday, 1 May 1997 19:37:50 UTC