Re: WEBDAV Security

Yaron Goland wrote:
> DAV is an HTTP protocol and thus is able to take full advantage of all
> generic HTTP ACL and Security work. I would recommend that the
> requirements only identify Security in general and ACLs in particular,
> as areas of concern, and then explain that they are out of scope for DAV
> because they touch on areas beyond DAV's limited authoring/versioning
> scope.
> Lets not fall into the trap of trying to solve the world's problems.
> ACLs and security are best left to groups who are grabbling with just
> those issues.
>                 Yaron

Nice try, but... Distributed Authoring has different security
than Document Access. A DAV server must accept data and then express
the client's requested authorization policy in how the future web
server authorizes requests. This is a greater requirement than has
been addressed by HTTP security. 

I agree you should try to limit the scope of what you handle to
be "the minimum needed to build interoperable clients", but I believe
taht the minimum exceeds what has been done so far for DAV-less HTTP.



Received on Wednesday, 16 April 1997 02:08:01 UTC